Gonna Kiss You On the Boulevard - Chapter 37 - BearfootTruck - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2025)

Chapter Text

A light dusting of snow had sprinkled over Musutafu, and the fact that the dorms at UA were all lit up said one thing: it was Christmas. After all the good times and hard times that the members of Class 1-A had been through, they deserved to engage in such merriment. The table in the lounge area had been bedecked with various items of food and drink, and most of the students were dressed up in red or green Santa outfits.

“So Bakugo, have ya thought any more about what you’re gonna do for your work study?” asked Kirishima.

Kacchan – perhaps the only one not wearing a Santa outfit – crossed his arms. “No, and I don’t see the point.”

Kirishima thrust his arms towards Kacchan. “I mean, come on! You had a ton of people scouting you out for the Sports Fest! You came in first! You could go wherever ya want to!”

Kacchan turned away. “I’m not interested in learning anything from some second-tier wannabe.”

Trying to get him wrapped up in the festivities, Mina Ashido leapt towards Kacchan and attempted to put a red Santa jacket on him. However, he caught wind of this and swung around to face her:


“Come on, give in to peer pressure!” said Ashido. “It’s Christmas! Where’s your festive spirit!?”

Deku and Todoroki giggled at Kacchan and Ashido’s little exchange.

“Wow, I never noticed how cute Bakugo is when he tries to be angry!” said Todoroki.

“I know, right?” said Deku. “Look at him getting flustered in front of Ashido!”


“Don’t make me huggle you!” said Ashido.


“Don’t worry, girlfriend; I got this!”


Kacchan found himself being held down by Toru Hagakure.


“Here it comes!” said Ashido.


The fact that Ashido and Hagakure were hugging Kacchan caused Deku and Todoroki to burst out laughing, which also caused Uraraka and Yaoyorozu to laugh. Even Kirishima, Kaminari and Jiro caught the laughter bug.

“I fail to understand how Bakugo could be so against this merriment,” said Tokoyami. “Isn’t this supposed to be a holiday of positivity?”

“Hey, what’s everybody laughin’ about?” Rikido Sato entered holding a cooked chicken.

“Sugarman can cook regular food!” said everybody else.

Just then, the door to the dorms opened, and a familiar face entered…

“Sorry I’m late,” said Toshinori Yagi, better known as “All Might”. “Have you guys started the party yet?”

“No, we were waiting for you!” said Deku.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get the party started!”

As per All Might’s command, everyone dug in and ate, drank, and were generally merry. Even Bakugo partook in food despite having passed out earlier from Ashido and Hagakure’s hug. It was quite a scene as Deku and Todoroki had a jovial chat with All Might, Kaminari talked music with Jiro, Ashido and Hagakure teased Kacchan for being flustered by cute girls and Tokoyami discussed action movies with Kirishima, among other things. Once people had their fair share of food, it was time for something else…

“Hey, when are we gonna open presents?” asked Kirishima.

People cheered at the mention of presents. To determine who would go first in exchanging gifts, All Might drew cards from a red plastic bowl, each card with two names written in advance. Up first were Uraraka and Iida.

“Here you are, Uraraka.” Iida handed Uraraka a moderately small, flat rectangular box in white wrapping paper. “Merry Christmas!”

“Thank you, Iida!”

Uraraka opened her gift, which turned out to be a box of Russell Stover chocolates. Her smile beamed brightly when she saw it.

“Thank you very much, Iida! You’re so sweet!”

Iida smiled. “You’re welcome, Uraraka! I hope you enjoy them!”

“Anyways, here…” Uraraka gave Iida a moderately large, flat rectangular box in silver wrapping paper. “Merry Christmas!”

“Thank you, Uraraka!”

When Iida opened his gift, he found it was a Mastermind board game.

“Ah, what a most splendid gift! I’ve heard of this game before, but had yet to acquire one! Thank you again, Uraraka!”

“You’re welcome, Iida!”

Next up was Kacchan and Koji Koda.

“Um…here’s your gift, Bakugo.” Koda handed Kacchan a small, flat rectangular gift wrapped in multicolored paper with pictures of cats and dogs on it. “Merry Christmas!”

“Thanks, I guess…”

Kacchan opened his gift, which turned out to be a book titled Wild Birds, Four Seasons. He shrugged when he saw it.

“Well…I like books, I guess, so I’m gonna let you live,” said Kacchan.

“I hope you like it!” said Koda.

“Anyways, here’s yours…” Kacchan handed Koda a small, somewhat flat square gift in black wrapping paper. “Merry Christmas…I guess…”

Koda opened his gift, which turned out to be a CD compilation titled Pete Seeger: The Smithsonian Folkways Collection. His eyes widened, and he gasped when he saw it.

“H-how did you know I loved Pete Seeger!?”

Kacchan shrugged. “Kirishima told me you were into these weird singers who nobody cared about, so I looked him up.”


Koda charged at Kacchan, arms wide open.


Kacchan attempted to run away, but Koda gave him a big hug. This time, rather than dying of cuddly, Kacchan growled and clenched his fists. Everyone let out a collective “awww”.


“Bakugo, you should be more appreciative of your classmates’ thankfulness!” All Might smiled. “This is a happy holiday, after all!”

Kacchan growled again. “Fine…”


All Might drew another card. This time, it was Deku and Todoroki’s turn, and they excitedly stepped up, although Todoroki had a nervous smile on her face.

“So…Deku…I was thinking really hard about what I should get you for a gift, and I was having a lot of trouble deciding until I went to a thrift store and found this…”

Todoroki handed Deku a small, rectangular/square box in green wrapping paper.

“Don’t worry, Shoko! I’m sure whatever you got me will be awesome!”

Deku proceeded to unwrap his gift and opened the plain cardboard box, which contained a vintage music box with a statue of All Might in his hero form. Deku let out a happy “ah!” when he saw it, and then wound it up. The music box played a music-boxy rendition of “The Day” by Porno Graffitti.

“Shoko, thank you SO MUCH! I had NO IDEA that such a thing existed!”

“They were a hot item in my younger days as a hero,” said All Might.

“Interesting!” said Todoroki. “Also, you’re welcome, Deku!”

Deku gave Todoroki a big hug and kiss, which not only elicited a collective “awww” from everybody, but caused them to take pictures. Soon enough, they broke away from the kiss.

“Anyways, here’s your gift, Shoko!”

Deku handed Todoroki a flat, rectangular gift that was no doubt a DVD of some sort.

“Thank you, Deku!”

Todoroki proceeded to open the gift, and it was a Blu-ray, namely of the 1982 movie The Final Option, known as Who Dares Wins in its country of origin and Finaru Opushon in Japanese. She gasped and nearly dropped the DVD when she saw it.

“OH MY GOD! I’ve been looking for this movie for AGES ever since I saw it on TV! Where did you find this!?”

Deku rubbed the back of his head. “Uh…eBay?”


Todoroki didn’t just kiss Deku; she got into a full-blown makeout session with him. Reactions varied: all the girls let out long, girlish “oohs” when they saw this, Kirishima, Kaminari and Minoru Mineta all smiled and gave thumbs-ups upon seeing this, Kacchan put his palm on his forehead, All Might blushed, but perhaps no one was more involved than Iida:

“Todoroki, I’m glad you’re happy with your gift, but you must cease this unbridled passion at once!” Iida waved his hands around.

Even All Might blushed at this sight. “Uh…Midoriya, Todoroki…”

Finally, Todoroki broke away from the kiss. “Yes?”

“Anyways, I have a gift for you two as well…”

All Might presented Deku and Todoroki with a moderately-sized box wrapped in red/white/blue striped wrapping paper.

“Who’s gonna open this, though?” said Todoroki.

Deku smiled. “Why don’t we open it together?”

Todoroki gave a thumbs-up. “Good idea!”

And so, Deku and Todoroki proceeded to open the gift. Inside the box, they found a hand-carved, hand-painted wooden statue of themselves in their hero costumes. They both beamed with happiness when they saw it.

“All Might, did you really make this for us?” said Deku.

All Might nodded. “Woodworking has been one of my greatest hobbies, and I wanted to do something really special to show how proud I am of you two.”

Todoroki clasped her hands together to the side of her head. “That’s extremely sweet of you, All Might!”

Deku and Todoroki went over to All Might and gave him a big hug, which he happily returned. Once again, this elicited a collective “awww” from the rest of the students.

“Hey, mind if I get a picture of you three?” said Uraraka.

“Sure thing!” Deku gave a thumbs-up. “You two don’t mind, right?”

“Not at all!” said Todoroki.

“I’d be honored!” said All Might.

And so, Deku and Todoroki got on both sides of All Might and wrapped an arm around him, and he returned the gesture. Deku and Todoroki even held the statue with their free hands as Uraraka took a picture. Overall, it was indeed a Merry Christmas.

Gonna Kiss You On the Boulevard - Chapter 37 - BearfootTruck - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2025)


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.